By Kellerica
Hot damn, this is sweet! It looks so elegant, the lineart is just bonkers beautiful.

I'm a little torn on the layout of the whole piece; zoomed out it looks fine, but at a 100% it feels like I have scroll across a whole lot of blank space before I can find the next illustration. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think it could benefit from a bit less empty space. Not a huge flaw, and at least at 100% the beauty of the the ship design and the aforementioned lineart really gets to shine.
Thanks a lot, Kellerica !
Well, concerning the layout/blank space thing, it looks fine once printed... but I had kinda the same feeling I must say.

By Falconius
Beautifully done Ilanthar. I'm not sure how it relates to your patreon and if you are creating them for a specific setting you are building, but the Spelljammer ships always really made me interested in that world so I hope these do the same for your patreon. I really like the way you have your sails arranged differently from a water borne vessel.
Thanks, Falconius !
Well, I'm trying to do a city guide for my Argona city. I decided to start with the Air Port, so I needed to do different air ships, zeppelins and flying creatures to get an idea of sizes for hangars, quays, jetties and such...