Update, the hamlet around the castle is now done:
Along with this map, i decided to add some background story for the locations as well, which i have in fact considered before as well, but mainly for myself to get a realistic feeling for the maps. This will include place names, also for the town, which hasn't got any yet (and since i'm really bad with names, any suggestions are welcome ).
Now for the castle and hamlet:
The castle of Karnberg was built originally during the first half of the 11th century, as one of the first fortified places of the upper hillsides which were settled shortly before. Its owners, the family of Karnberg belongs to the lesser nobility and was originally given the castle to control the lands of the Diocese of [town name placeholder]. Over the centuries they managed to become largely independent from the Diocese and to purchase some own land and belongings in the proximity of their castle. These efforts often led to conflicts with adjecent powers, mainly the benedictine monastery of [town name placeholder], which culminated in a feud in the 1370's during which the monastery was sacked by the troops of Karnberg, and the prompt reaction of the Bishop who then besieged, captured and destroyed the castle of Karnberg, leaving only the chapel intact. It was rebuilt shorty afterwards using the gothic style and strengthening the fortifications. The 15th century remained a relatively peaceful period, even though the old conflicts were never completely solved, but the gradual concentration of economical power in the towns reduced the financial ressources of both the monastery and the Karnberg family. As a result, the extension of the castle's hamlet came to an early stop, leaving it as a small settlement with a tavern and an oversized church that reminds trespassers of the once ambitious plans for Karnberg.
PS: I'm not sure if i'll keep doing this
PPS: This is the monastery mentioned in the castle's description