I can't spoil too much of the history and cultures of the world. You'd just have to watch the show for that, which we will be streaming on twitch as well as uploading to youtube. But I can say that we are using D&D 5e, most of the group has recently transitioned over from Pathfinder. I designed the world ground-up myself with the idea of making a plausible "ecosystem" of cultures, and political boundaries.

I wanted each city to feel completely unique both on the map and in game. I wanted the map to give as much interesting info as possible about a given location through just imagery and it's name. For example, Linquinos is one of the few major cities that does not have an outer wall. It is instead guarded by a natural barrier, the cliff to the great collapse, and several towers with some sort of magic enchantment. I'd also like to point out the river that passes through it heads directly into the Ictucoba morass and to the previous city "Old Linqui" which is now submerged. Perhaps there is a reason "The Great Collapse" is so close to a city in which magic is studied so fervently.

The Crown of the Divine has never been climbed to its summit, its height is too much for any one climber to bear. Not only that, but it is regularly patrolled by the elves of Eleriquidi's Shroud. They do not take kindly to tresspasses on their holy land, and The Ever-guardian Mylmatharion never sleeps in his vigil. Although a ceasefire was made between Linquinos and Mylmatharion's Elves, none but the Elves may enter the woods. This secrecy only feeds the scholars curiosity as to what the shroud hides under its boughs.