Thanks a lot people

I know I haven't been very active these last few month but I've been mapping. Large commissions that drive me crazy but allow me to try new stuff and sessions of doodling to blow off some steam or concentrate during work meetings and formations. I've posted some on social media, here they come.

Every comment is welcome, this thread is for my own selfish improvement

A little layout test. As it came out good enough, this one will be end up in the finished map forum ... when I get some free time.

A new mountain style inspired by J.Edward (again) in a finished commission.

Some mountain tests doodles during meetings.

My soft brush had dried up and I needed to reset the bristles correctly after some cleaning so, a little farm with a terra cotta roof (in my mind).

A little thank you for hitting 250 followers on Instagram (a long overdue Twitter one is in the making and it's a bit more complex).

And finally, a bunch of relief for a huge 27x40" map I'm doing at the moment. I gotta say, it's easy losing focus or motivation on such large pieces so, I guess I've learned my lesson and I'm gonna charge much more next time as a motivation

More to come but I gotta work before I can go down to them.

Cheers folks ! And thanks for sharing your amazing maps, they inspire and motivate me