Looks like a good start, welcome to the world of height maps!
In the year 10,194 the bombs came, and rained down destruction upon us. The land burned, and was as ash, and all despaired. Then the acid rains came, heavy and persistent, and created new rivers of misery for our people.
Ten years of starvation followed. Those that could, fled. Those that couldn't, died.
All apart from a few isolated and widely scattered communities that managed to eke out some sort of existence...
I am going to try something a bit different to my usual hand drawn maps for this one - I have started with a heightmap - this still needs a lot of work.
### Latest WIP ###
Looks like a good start, welcome to the world of height maps!
Thanks QED, I'm really not sure where I'm going with this one...
It was supposed to be a dark post-apocalyptic map, but seems to be going sci-fi...!
### Latest WIP ###
...in which case, the wavy lines around the coast look rubbish - duly removed.
### Latest WIP ###
Attachment 112540
Great start! I love the landmass and the mountains already. One thing that catches my eye immediately is how the continent shape kind of seems to have square-ish shape to it in terms of the northern and southern coastlines... It's terrible, by any means, but it does make it look a little more artificial than organic, if that makes any sense. I do get that it might be a bit hard to alter by this point...
I do think you are headed in the right direction, and the color choices are spot on for this type of setting. The font looks nice too, although it could stand out a bit more in some points - you could maybe try giving it a shadow or a dark glow around it?
Oh, and the last attachment seems to be invalid!
Thanks Kell, feedback appreciated.
I think as far as land shapes are concerned, I'm probably doing at least as well as this well-known "square" one
(No discredit to Torstan, I'm sure he was probably just working with the coastlines given to him...)
As you say, it is probably a bit far to change that now. As a matter of interest, this is where I got the land shape from.
new clouds.jpg
Tried deleting the previous post, but unable to - got to go to work now, so this will have to wait until later...
This is looking great! I love the colors you've selected.![]()
Ooh, have to try that next!
Thanks Aeshnidae, a way to go yet, but here is an update...
### Latest WIP ###
That's shaping up very nicely, Tonquani. Nice color palette.