Quote Originally Posted by Jaxilon View Post
Very nicely done! I have wanted to attempt some hand drawn small dungeon maps but just haven't gotten around to it. This is a fine example and interesting read as well.
Thanks Jax It's a fun thing to do if you're just sitting around.
The pencil drawing was not too intensive. It was about 2/3 of a page.
Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
Great little map! Interesting backstory, I need to know the rest of it!!!! Also cool that what should just be a simple tomb map opens more questions, where do the circular stairs go? What is in all those jars and boxes? And why does the sarcophagus room need a rear exit?
Thank you Bogie hahaha, that's how I feel when someone uses this line
The truth is that I didn't have all of that story completed.. so i used that wonderful story crutch.

I have a document somewhere that I wrote many years back about death rituals of many peoples.
It had all of these variant ways that cultures might deal with death and burial/graves.
In one, the people had these underground catacombs where the spirits of the dead hung out near to their prepared corpse.
There was a priest class that cared for and talked with the dead.
Family would visit and bring entertaining gifts, so the dead had activities over their long span.

I feel like this place had something similar, though it was due to the deceased serving the Lord of Sands throughout time.
But, something went wrong, or was deliberately done to subvert the Sand Lord.
Maybe a rival power.. or maybe the times were turning and moisture was returning to the sands
and Benhi was loosing his domain, and power. And the spirits were largely gone.
Perhaps that is why he helped Aznur, so he would have someone to aid him in this realm,
as his followers were long dead and departed. But that is another story...

I ronically, i didn't manage to actually answer any of your questions, did I? huh...
Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Nice! Your penmanship is as excellent as ever.
Thank you Kell
Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
I spent 10 minutes looking at the map, asking to myself what kind of magic you use to make a tomb looking so warm, welcoming and cozy. Still unable to find. In one word, amazing. As always, J.
I believe it may be flawed magic.. as a tomb maybe shouldn't look inviting. ;P
I do lean toward more pleasant scenes. Maybe cus my life is sooo gloomy hahaha.
I am just glad I am still functioning with physical ability and mind.
Many are not so fortunate.