Glad you are getting back to normal. Having the flu sucks.

This looks a lot better, especially for the labels that extend into the ocean.

The problem I always have with a black outer glow is that it makes the letters appear darker with small font sizes. Making the font color brighter sometimes helps...

Quote Originally Posted by aeshnidae View Post
That sounds like a great idea but I'm not sure how to go about it in Photoshop.
The old-fashioned way (non-layer effect way) would be to hide everything except the layers with the outer glow and create a new layer from visible (I don't remember what that's called in Photoshop). Then change the color of that layer to be the outer glow color (remove the font color). Two ways to do that: a) lock the alpha channel, fill with the outer glow color, unlock the alpha channel; or b) alpha to selection, fill with outer glow color, deselect all. Then gaussian blur that layer 2-3 times the width of the outer glow and move it to the bottom of the label layer stack.
Since this is a manual operation, you have to redo it every time you make a change to your text.