Man, you're brave and talented, if you ask me. I especially like the seas and desert on this one.
If I may, I think some curves or more random placement for the grass could improve the map and give a more accurate sense of topography.
Hi fellow guildies,
This one is a practice study done entirely with a kuretake soft brush n°13 after a light sketch with a 2H pencil. I wanted to practice pressure control with the brush but I ruffled the bristles at the beginning and struggled to get them back right after that. This lead to thicker strokes than what I wanted but all in all it came out ok. The brush is a pretty unforgiving tool but the result are satisfactory. You can see lots of influences from J.Edward's work but it's no surprise anymoreI might redo it with fineliners, once again asa study, for comparison but not right away. As it is meant for me and I did not plan any place for anything, title included, I tried to come up with something that could fit in the small place I had left. I noticed the position of the arrow (that I do not like), the desert area and my pessimistic mind made the rest. I hope you enjoy it and, as usual, feel free to critic and comment, that's one of those "growing up" maps.
And yet ....jpg
© Thomas REY - 2019 - All rights reserved
Cheers !
Beautiful, and those valleys with the winding rivers and woods are lovely. I want to go there.
I think this looks stunning! I can understand what you're saying about the thick strokes bothering you because it would bother me a lot too. The end result is still really great, as a whole when I look at the map it's fantastic I only notice those thick strokes when I zoom in.
I made some comments on Twitter, Thomas, but I will have to expand them a little here now that you're done! I actually really like the thick and varying-pressure lines. There's something cool about seeing little details evoked with chunky thick lines. You got some wonderful variations in textures across all the different lands. The whole thing has a whimsical feel to it.
About the only thing I would rather see differently is the cliffs to the southeast. The style just doesn't quite seem to gel with the rest of it.
Overall, really nice! It's funny that even though you struggled with your tools, I really like the result.
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I really enjoy this mountain style! And I like the minimalist forest treatment, they look great hugging the aforementioned mountains. The strokes on the coastlines look maybe a little too large and widely spread for my taste, but it's not anything major. I think the whole piece works well in small size.
But seriously, death to Windlass. Kill it with fire and let it burn.
Oooh, I really love this one ! Cluttered just for my taste but still readable, lovely mountains, great sea... but if I may, I'm longing for some maps in your own style. Let us see what's in your mind, Thomas !![]()
Really nice map Thomas
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