All that is left is the relief shadows on the border elements
### Latest WIP ###
I will probably look at what a sepia and walnut/black combo might look like, but I think I might keep it B&W. I will look at it and see. I guess after re-reading my answer, I should clarify with a qualified maybe
Something witty and pithy
All that is left is the relief shadows on the border elements
### Latest WIP ###
Something witty and pithy
Coming together quite nicely.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Tastier than chocolate. This definitely has one of my votes. Really, really retro beautiful, gorgeous, superlative.
Looks like a treasury note for some future society. Very nicely done.
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps
Thanks for the kudos, mates.
The idea behind this one actually came from a Star Wars mock-up of an "Imperial Credit" That graphic is completely badass. I tried to approach the same level of badassery, but I know that I came up short, and that is ok because this map has made me better for doing it. There are already some techniques to this one that I will incorporate into my work maps and other pieces that I know how to do better now.
The other idea behind this map was to do it with a single ink in mind, as if it had been done as an intaglio print. The process took a while, but it would have been insanely time consuming by hand. Thank you vector illustration programs. The portraits in the bottom corners really started out the feel of the map. Lots of crosshatching and pen and ink techniques on them. Everything else was done in illustrator. I only pulled it into Photoshop at the end to add the shaded relief of the border elements.
The map is designed to print at an ANSI D size (24 in x 34in) or a 2 x 3. The initial work in PS was done at 200 dpi, but the posted version is only 100 dpi so it would post. Luckily I have a large format printer at work and not very close supervisionI will have a hard copy of this one.
As stated before in a previous post, I wanted a bunch of linear elements that started to have some vacillation and moire effects, much like the tight geometric linework of currency and other government documentation.
That is my story and I hope you like the map. C&C is always welcome. I would love to hear what you have to say about this one, because it was quite a departure for me.
### Latest WIP ###
Something witty and pithy
Thanks for the kudos, mates.
The idea behind this one actually came from a Star Wars mock-up of an "Imperial Credit" That graphic is completely badass. I tried to approach the same level of badassery, but I know that I came up short, and that is ok because this map has made me better for doing it. There are already some techniques to this one that I will incorporate into my work maps and other pieces that I know how to do better now.
The other idea behind this map was to do it with a single ink in mind, as if it had been done as an intaglio print. The process took a while, but it would have been insanely time consuming by hand. Thank you vector illustration programs. The portraits in the bottom corners really started out the feel of the map. Lots of crosshatching and pen and ink techniques on them. Everything else was done in illustrator. I only pulled it into Photoshop at the end to add the shaded relief of the border elements.
The map is designed to print at an ANSI D size (24 in x 34in) or a 2 x 3. The initial work in PS was done at 200 dpi, but the posted version is only 100 dpi so it would post. Luckily I have a large format printer at work and not very close supervisionI will have a hard copy of this one.
As stated before in a previous post, I wanted a bunch of linear elements that started to have some vacillation and moire effects, much like the tight geometric linework of currency and other government documentation.
That is my story and I hope you like the map. C&C is always welcome. I would love to hear what you have to say about this one, because it was quite a departure for me.
+Edit: attached wrong file
### Winner ###
Last edited by ChickPea; 08-26-2018 at 08:59 AM. Reason: Added Winner tag
Something witty and pithy