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Thread: Dec '18 / Feb '19 Lite Challenge: Twisting Labyrinth of Death

  1. #1

    Wip Dec '18 / Feb '19 Lite Challenge: The Diabolical Lock

    I'm a bit late to the party but I should be able to finish in well enough time as this dungeon is not going to be very big.

    I'm really bad at work in progress threads as I just power though making maps. But I've took time to snapshot along my way and thought I would take a break and show you guys what I'm up to.

    This dungeons going to have an interesting gimmick, I'm not going to give it away until I'm finished but you are free to guess.

    Setting down my guides:

    Finished up my walls:

    Filling up the dungeon with traps and fun stuff:

    Of course my final project will be much higher resolution And come with detailed instructions
    Last edited by TheWellDressedViking; 02-15-2019 at 12:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Welcome to the Challenge TheWellDressedViking, And welcome to the Guild as well!
    Clever Dungeon map, I've seen this concept before, but I won't spill the beans. Lots of fun to play.

    Don't forget to use the "Thumbnail Scrapper" [ ### Latest WIP ### ] or your map won't show up for voting.
    Last edited by Bogie; 01-28-2019 at 12:01 AM.

  3. #3


    I thank you for you discretion
    I'll have to take your word that it's fun to play, I could see it going either way, either a blast or frustrating. For me the fun was in making the map, I may have to subject some people to it some time to see how well it works in person.

    I have added lights and effects, now to just add a bit more and a ton of text on how to run the map.

    ### Latest WIP ###

  4. #4
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Nice job with the lighting.

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan
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    Nov 2012
    New Hampshire


    Again, nice clean lines. Great concept. And as Bogie said, nice job on the lights.

  6. #6


    Whoo boy, does the lighting add a lot to it! I love it!

    What software are you using, if you don't mind me asking?
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    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  7. #7


    Thanks for the kind words, I'm hoping to get an updated version up later today, but we will see if I get the time.

    I use Campaign Cartographer along with their Dungeons of Schley (made by Mike Schley, I love his work) asset pack. I know Campaign Cartographer doesn't get a lot of love, but despite it's quirks and such I do get it to work really well for me.

  8. #8
    Guild Artisan
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    Nov 2012
    New Hampshire


    I have CC3 from a years ago. I still like it. I dont use it much anymore and never got as good as results as you got, lol.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by TheWellDressedViking View Post
    I use Campaign Cartographer along with their Dungeons of Schley (made by Mike Schley, I love his work) asset pack. I know Campaign Cartographer doesn't get a lot of love, but despite it's quirks and such I do get it to work really well for me.
    Seriously? Nothing but CC3? I'll really need to look more closely into it, then. For world maps, I prefer to draw stuff by hand, but I've been meaning to try my hands at dungeon mapping and could use some aid in that department. The first drafts of this map, I could tell were CC made, but the one with the lights and stuff added... I had no idea. Impressive!
    Homepage | Instagram | Facebook | Artstation
    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  10. #10


    Alright, since there is interest, let's talk CC.

    I did make everything in this map with CC so far. I recently did make a map that I got tired of fighting CC on some cliff shadows and decided to just scrap it and add them in Photoshop post render. So I will occasionally do some post CC edits in Photoshop.

    I love CC it's the program that allows me, a non-artist, completely left brained systems oriented person, to make beautiful maps. But I don't want to sugar coat things. CC is built off of an old CAD program, as such it can have a steep learning curve and and have some odd quirks. CC is a big investment of money (i suggest signing up for the newsletter to get their discount codes, Black Friday is usually pretty good) and time. I spent a lot of time learning to use the program well. But once I learned the program it makes things pretty fast and easy.

    CC makes adding lights fast and easy, especially once you get the settings that work for you down, and it handles shadows dynamically. However, the way CC renders (remember it's a CAD program so it has to render the map before it becomes a usable image) is in horizontal strips, and if your lights (or any effects) get caught in a weird way on a seam it can make things go screwy. When that happens you have to move/adjust things to make it look right. The bigger/higher resolution the map and effects the more problems that pop up.

    I don't want to deter you from checking out CC, because it is great, I love it (but it can drive me nuts sometimes), but I also don't want to make it seem like it's something it is not.

    So yeah, give it another look.

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