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Thread: Meiglid The Large peninsula!

  1. #31
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Language map updated!

    Meiglid-12 Language map.jpg

    For ease of understanding, I unified patterns.
    A straight line pattern is only used for the northern Language family.

    Other than that, the Language family in the south is represented by circle and dotted line patterns, wavy line patterns, and without texture.

    And since I found a mistake I corrected it.
    "Southeast" was written as "southwest". embarrassed!
    It is a peninsula at the bottom right of the image.

    Meiglid In northeast, the language of "intruder" who destroyed the empire dominates.
    There are two "Reaner language" and "North Central language".

    In the northwest, the language of the old empire is cherished (however, it changes little by little).
    It is "North coast empire language".
    This language is Lingua Franca in Meiglid Northern countries and Republic of Great Orkis.

    The southeastern part of Meiglid and the south islands belong to the same subfamily.

    In this area, the language with the most users is "Central peninsular language".
    Because Eikmis adopted this language, Enmanlolfa dialect dominates.
    However, due to the influence of Tisen who was a hegemon country for a long time, Tisen dialect is also spreading.

    Within Eikmis' power sphere, there is a language belonging to the North Language family.

    The circumstances in the southwestern part of Meiglid are a bit complicated.
    The ruler of the Republic of Great Orkis used to talk about "Ork language". (However, at that time it was not a republic)
    However, the rulers adopted the "Selif language", because of the occurrence of a conflict with Kingdom of Little Orkis and the cooperation of local people.

  2. #32
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    "Ork language" has nothing to do with Tolkien 's "Orc". It is similar.
    Would not it be possible to prevent misunderstanding by describing language names like "Ork-ian" "Ork-ish"?

    "Orkis-ese", "Orkis-ian" and "Orkis-ish" may be good?
    However, this "-is" is a place-name suffix similar to "-ia", so I think Orkisian will be a strange word like "Germaniaian".

    Is difficult.

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by qhqhTerra View Post
    "Ork language" has nothing to do with Tolkien 's "Orc". It is similar.
    Would not it be possible to prevent misunderstanding by describing language names like "Ork-ian" "Ork-ish"?

    "Orkis-ese", "Orkis-ian" and "Orkis-ish" may be good?
    However, this "-is" is a place-name suffix similar to "-ia", so I think Orkisian will be a strange word like "Germaniaian".

    Is difficult.
    If you are looking for a proper english conjugation it should be "Orkish" language.

    As for the Tolkien's Orcs. The term Ork (or Orc) doesn't have to relate strictly to the Middle Earth Orc, though i know some people may argue, that he invented them .
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  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by qhqhTerra View Post
    Thank you!

    I am using Wacom's pen tablet and MediBang Paint painting software.
    MediBang Paint has poor performance compared to advanced software such as Photoshop, but I think it will work lightly.
    It is free software. (I am not an employee or a salesperson of MediBang Paint)

    I processed text data and drop shadow in Photoshop.

    MediBang Paint | The official site for MediBang Paint, the free digital painting and manga creation software. You can download the latest version of MediBang Paint here, and get news and tutorials.
    Sorry I do not explained myself clearly: I was referring to the process to make the mountains, It may be on hand but do you use any criteria?

  5. #35
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
    If you are looking for a proper english conjugation it should be "Orkish" language.

    As for the Tolkien's Orcs. The term Ork (or Orc) doesn't have to relate strictly to the Middle Earth Orc, though i know some people may argue, that he invented them .
    Thank you! That's really helpful.
    I updated the map.

  6. #36
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impesio View Post
    Sorry I do not explained myself clearly: I was referring to the process to make the mountains, It may be on hand but do you use any criteria?
    My process to make the mountains is how to revise the rough sketch little by little like this way.
    その他 メイグリド 作る経&#3694.png

    My teacher is Geospatial Information Authority of Japan and Google Maps (& Google Earth).
    Also, there are multiple fantasy maps including this guild.

  7. #37
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Meiglid-14 Language map.png
    I have translated several other language names according to similar rules.
    Exclude the place name suffix and make it an adjective.

    "Ork language" → "Orkish"
    "Weris language (Wer language)" → "Werish"
    "Reaner language" → "Reanish"
    "Sfirisen language" → "Sfirish"
    "Tolnisen language" → "Tolnish"
    "Land Hoysen language" → "Land Hoish"
    "South Hoysen language" → "South Hoish"

    In addition, "Central Island Language" was changed to "Entoish".
    This language name is based on the names of major countries in this region.
    The same applies to "Low Central Island Language" → "Hyarzhish".

    If you think that Meiglid's language name is strange or "I think that this is Entoan and Entoese rather than Entoish", I would be happy if you let me comment on it.
    I will update the map.

  8. #38
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Political map and Trade Routes map of Meiglid!

    This is a map showing Trade routes, the borderline, the name of Major city, and the name of the capital in Meiglid The Large peninsula.

    The work of alphabetizing katakana has progressed a little.
    Major city and Capital are written in alphabet.
    Perhaps it is the first time for you to know these pronunciations.

    I devised to make the road narrow and simple.
    And I excluded extra information.
    This makes the map stylish. maybe.

    I am doubtful whether to display a river.
    As rivers often overlap with roads, there is a possibility that they do not look beautiful.

    There are two images. The contents are the same.
    However, the first piece is a png image.
    The second piece is a jpeg image.

    Meiglid-15 Political map and Trade Routes map of Meiglid.png
    Political map and Trade Routes map of Meiglid.png

    Meiglid-15 Political map and Trade Routes map of Meiglid.jpg
    Political map and Trade Routes map of Meiglid.jpg

  9. #39
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    I will explain the important trade route in Meiglid counterclockwise.

    First off from the northwest.

    "Northwest Highway", "West frontier highway", "North empire highway" and "Pask Way" were mainly made by "North coast empire".
    These roads penetrate the territory of the empire to the east, west, north and south.
    These roads were constructed with the aim of facilitating communication between the frontier and the capital.
    And although the empire was destroyed, these roads are an important path for the succession states of the empire.

    "Mofevo's Road" was built by the great aristocracy of the empire.
    Mofevo is the name of that nobleman.

    "Hill Road", "Steel Road", "Poetry Road" are the traditional roads of the Selif region.
    These roads were once narrow and collapsed, the width of the road was different in various places.
    But these roads have been renewed by the Republic of Great Orkis and by the former ruler of the Republic.
    Now various items go and go these roads.

    Also, Affected by North coast empire, Great Orkis built "Plain Highway".

    "Oil road" is the island way on the south side of Meiglid.
    This "Oil" is not petroleum.
    It means vegetable oil, like olive oil.
    In the southern part of this island, vegetable oil production is thriving from ancient times.
    High quality vegetable oil was exported to the Hoysen region, an ancient hegemon country.
    Today, Empire of Eikmis trade this oil for profit.

    "Aten Way" is the road constructed by Empire of Enmanlolfa.
    It is a road from Enmanlolfa city to the Atenofa city beyond the mountain.

    "West Kingdom road" is the road built by the old kingdom.
    It was called by this name because it is located west of Empire of Enmanlolfa.

    Both these two roads are under the control of Empire of Eikmis.

    "Great King's Road" and "Old King's Road" are the roads that the king of Hoysen has built and maintained.
    This "Old King" is Hoysen's ancient king, "Great King" is the king of the Kingdom at the same time as Empire of Enmanlolfa.

    Especially "Old King's Road" is a considerably important road in the history of Meiglid.
    It connects many of the important cities in southeastern Meiglid.

    "Sandstorms and cavalry road" is a road connecting the southeastern part of Meiglid to the north and south.
    Nomads ran through the land of step climate.

    Nomads were big troubles of coastal rulers such as Empire of Enmanlolfa, Kingdom of Tisen, and Empire of Eikmis.

    "Famoros waterway", "Estanoros waterway", "Misertros Great waterway" are important trade routes in the northeastern part of Meiglid.
    These are not just rivers.
    These waterways allow goods to come and go smoothly. This brings about enormous wealth.
    This accomplishment is due to a well-established river port, a collection base for goods, and Navy.
    (Navy is mainly due to "Kingdom of Eastern Narbeles")

    "Reaner King's road" is the way to connect North Central Plane and "Kingdom of Reaner".

    Welcome impressions and advice from you.

  10. #40


    thank you, this is exactly what i meant! Much thankful

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