If you can afford it, and if you have the time to learn the program, CC3+ is a good program as well. I noticed you mentioned it in your post. The one downside I've seen for a lot of mapping programs out there, they are based on your own ability to draw. Well, I'm a writer, a gamer and a crafter. One thing I am NOT, is a visual artist. My best hand drawn maps would look crude against a third grader. One of the things I like about CC3+, and I do use it exclusively, is that I can craft maps that make me look as if I have decent artistic talent, even though I don't.

But if you do have artistic talent, then you can make CC3+ do some amazing things! If you want a good example, take a look at some of Mouse's work. I know that now days she uses more than just CC3+, but you should see some of the maps she came up with using only profantasy products. They are nothing short of amazing. Her work can also show you the versatility of CC3+.

What it really boils down to, is to check out the different programs, and figure out which one would work best for you. I chose CC3+ because it had what I needed to produce the maps I want to produce, in a way that I couldn't do with photo shop or other programs. Photoshop is great if you have artistic talent. Gimp is good for that too. I know Mark Oliva uses Fractal Mapper 8, you could ask him what that program is like. Find the program, or programs, that best suit your skills and talents.