Been pretty poor at posting stuff on here recently, even if I get it on DeviantArt, so I'm going to catch up with a few now!

Here's the latest from mine and DanielHasenbos' Patreon: The Boltrock Isles!

Boltrock Isles Small.jpg

"In the midst of a stormy ocean, you see the spires of a distance island flash with lightning. Could this just be some hideous trick of seasickness, or perhaps just a mirage - they say people imagine things in the desert, so why not the sea too?
A huge wave throws you to the floor. You scramble to your feet and as you rise, a great thunderclap rumbles the world. Flash. There, the island once more. Then, suddenly, your view is blocked by a tremendous wall of water. This must be the end now, surely...

...Awakening on a sandy beach, you suddenly realise where you are. The land before you is none other than the Boltrock Isles..."