Greetings again!

Quote Originally Posted by heruca View Post
Late 20th century?! Wide support of 64-bit Windows didn't really happen until Windows 7 in 2009, and it probably took several more years before the majority of Windows systems were 64-bit.
A matter of viewpoint and opinion, I suppose. I use a wide variety of programs on my PCs. The only applications that I use with any frequency that still are 32-bit programs are MapForge, CC3+, Fractal Mapper 8 and some Nero applications. All of my other frequently used applications are 64-bit programs and have been 64-bit programs for quite some time. Now that we're 19 years into the 21st Century, I think it's more than time for cartographic programs to go there too. But the coming Fractal Mapper 9 is the only one of the programs ready to make the jump. Still ... it is a matter of opinion, of course. My opinion is that 32-bit Windows software is antiquated, still lost in the 20th century. We have to agree to disagree there. But I still like you and your software, Hernan!

Correction: MapForge is not a Java application. It's created with Adobe Director, and the programming language is called Lingo. The app doesn't require any additional frameworks be installed, as it's completely self-contained.
Thanks for the correction and apologies for the error. Obviously one of the databases in my brain was polluted with garbage. I'll edit and correct my original posting.