Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Damn, that looks sweet. You're killing those rivers, I love it!
Thanks Kell
Rivers were always something that I was good at.
I had to train for other parts, like mountains.
Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
I'm gonna avoid the big letters... but well, Thomas, you lucky guy !!!
It's just so great already. You & Diamond are moving fast.
I think D and I are pretty sure we are not gonna have as much time later.
So we're rushing against the clock. I know I am, at least.
Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
I'm very busy these days (a move is coming my way and lots of stuff to do) but I gotta say I'm overwhelmed by how good it is. I can totally see MY land (I play there with my friends !) but it's like it's real all of a sudden ! I hope I'm gonna be able to tackle mine soon (John asked me to map the capital city of the March, he's so cool ). Awesome job is all I gotta say !
I'm taking this commission as seriously as I do all my other ones.
I want my clients to love the result.
Quote Originally Posted by Domino44 View Post
*Looks at map... starts to drool a little...* It's okay nobody saw.
I think this one will have it's moments.
Like when the shadows start.. that will be a good one.
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Thomas, you lucky bastard.... you got a free commission from J.E.
How awesome is that
Hehe, well, true, but he doesn't get free commercial use. ;P
Quote Originally Posted by Greason Wolfe View Post
* Doesn't care if anyone sees me drooling, is just careful not to drool ON the map*
hehe, this next update might be even more interesting.