Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Oh, and I forgot to mention: kick-ass typography on the map title! Looks fantastic!
That's often one of my favorite parts to do.
There are times that I want to start making fonts... then I think better of it.
Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
I remember when you drew Harlasea being, first, demotivated, then pouring more than 90 hours of work in my Desert Hound piece and I finished fifth behind you heavy hitters and that’s all because your awesome maps gave me the push I needed to go above and beyond. And, to be fair, the volcanoes are on the first sketch ��
With challenges, I always try hard not to think about the competition.
Doesn't always work, but I try to just focus on what I'm doing.
I was looking at the very first pics from your thread... and those don't show volcanoes. ;P
It's all good. They got edited and are in there now.
Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
Great map John, looks wonderful.

I did see one problem though, in the upper middle, where the crease has created some holes in the paper,
all the water in that little lake it touches is going to drain right out of the paper.
You had me so worried there. I'm all like - oh no.. what did I miss
Hehe, thanks Bogie
Quote Originally Posted by Onirian View Post
Your map is just... Awesome. Seriously. Did you sleep sometimes ? I didn't still find time to open my photoshop and you did.... This. Look at this mountains ? Awesome.
Thanks Oni
I work fast for various reasons.
One, because I may not have time later
two, i can lose motivation sometimes, so finishing big pieces faster helps me to finish them at all.
three, sometimes I just work fast.
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Oh, Gaiman! I haven't read anything from him for a long time. Last book i had, American Gods was quite good.

I bet J.E. also has that feeling sometimes.

You know i was joking, right? Kell most likely too
Btw. Not always, but often and it is deserved. You are that good.
I knew what people will take part in this challange and i know my chances are not so great competing with so many great artists here.
Anyway, i am taking this challange because it's fun. If i can make it in time, that's a win for me

He doesn't. He is a robot
Yes, yes, I know. I just sometimes feel like I shouldn't enter the challenges anymore.
I don't like to see people stop just because I'm involved. Or say they will.
I'm just a guild member, like everyone else. Better in some things, not in others.
I just like being involved in the community.

I have to say, I'm lucky. My challenge was not so hard.
Some of the challenge briefs I've read ...