Quote Originally Posted by nichendrix View Post
It was supposed to be things.
OK. That clears that up!

What I don't know is how these mapping software handle these things. Since I don't know how the software works, I can't develop a script to do/automate it.
I'm not sure want you want to automate. There are drawing tools in CC3+ that are quite easy to make. They don't involve coding. There's a PDF book by Remy Monsen in Norway (written in English) that gives complete instruction in how to do this and almost anything else that one can do with CC3+. You can buy it from ProFantasy. The macro programming language also is included.

Any kind of tool that one would use in FM8 already is built in, as far as my imagination can conceive of things. If you have some ideas in mind for specific tools, tell me what you need to know. (I know FM8 pretty thoroughly. I wrote one of the two manuals for it.)

If you want to learn the secrets of making MapForgre add-ons, I'm afraid you'll have to pry those secrets out of Heruca.

After a lot of consideration I've decided to give a chance to the combo FM8+AS3. If I don't like it, I'll try MapForge or CC3+.
That route certainly should bring you to the best possible result.