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Thread: Feb '19 / March '19 Lite Challenge: The Seal Woman

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  1. #1
    Guild Member AtTheShoreline's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
    That is the cool thing about folklore stories - they travel and evolve and get adapted and mutated along the way. And the story obviously had made its way to Finland too, if your mother told it to you. Or is she or are you originally from Faroe islands?
    It is fascinating how they can change and travel! No, we're both Finnish. I asked her where she got the story from and she didn't remember exactly, probably from some book with Nordic folk tales. She used to tell the story to a lot of groups of visitors to a Viking house here, so she's definitely done her part in spreading it in Finland.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by AtTheShoreline View Post
    It is fascinating how they can change and travel!
    What I find fascinating is how certain myths seem to spring up independently of each other but still have common themes. For instance so many cultures have their own take on dragons and vampires without any apparent cultural interaction. And I feel I must tip my hat to your mother; anybody that keeps the old stories alive deserves acknowledging

  3. #3
    Guild Artisan
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    Nice start.

    And great choice on Friary/Folk tale as well.

  4. #4


    Ohhh I'm curious. The style you are using for the lineart is really interesting! I can't wait to see more!

  5. #5


    I'd heard of this tale before, though I can't remember when or where.
    It's a very promising start, and a cool premise too.
    Btw, I think I heard a rather similar tale... from Inuit mythology. I'll have to search for it again!
    Edit - a quick search and I found the story. Seems my memory has been playing tricks on me. There's almsot no similarity in the stories..
    Last edited by MapMappingMapped; 02-22-2019 at 06:46 AM.

  6. #6
    Guild Member AtTheShoreline's Avatar
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    So since last update I've probably spent more time on looking for my book on the Bayeux tapestry than actually drawing anything (I did manage to find it eventually). As I continued with my sketch I also started to get the feeling that I wasn't drawing a map but a picture of the village. So no I'm trying a different approach and drawing the whole island. I did consider naming the farms to make the village map more "map like" but it didn't fit with my picture of who drew the map (storywise). That's another thing I've given some thought, to decide what to show on the map and how, I felt I needed to decide what the relation of the fictional map maker is to the fairy tale. I've decided the map will be a part of a book that someone wrote about their travels. The person had visited the village and heard about the villagers fate (or visited during the events). This means the map could include e.g. some kind of warning about what happened there, pictures of the local fauna and information about the style of life there. I haven't decided which language the book will be in or if the author will have modified the names of the places to better suit their mother tongue.

    On to the actual sketch! I've kept most of the style and just zoomed out. I've started working a border that incorporated illustrations of the local fauna and hands symbolizing the curse. Added some people out fishing and seals looking at them menacingly.

    ### Latest WIP ###

  7. #7


    This works well, ATS ! I'm absolutely fond of all the animals you added

  8. #8
    Guild Member AtTheShoreline's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neyasha View Post
    Oh, I loved this fairy tale as I child - I was oddly fascinated then by dark tales.
    The style of your map is very unique and the border looks amazing. I love the idea to do it in a kind fo Bayeux tapestry style.
    Thank you and nice to hear I'm not the only one fascinated by this tale! I really like the style of the Bayeux tapestry and have used it before (also, it's a great excuse not to draw realistic people )

  9. #9


    That's a cool design. I'm looking forward to seeing it fleshed out further.


  10. #10
    Guild Adept Neyasha's Avatar
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    Oh, I loved this fairy tale as I child - I was oddly fascinated then by dark tales.
    The style of your map is very unique and the border looks amazing. I love the idea to do it in a kind fo Bayeux tapestry style.

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