So since last update I've probably spent more time on looking for my book on the Bayeux tapestry than actually drawing anything (I did manage to find it eventually). As I continued with my sketch I also started to get the feeling that I wasn't drawing a map but a picture of the village. So no I'm trying a different approach and drawing the whole island. I did consider naming the farms to make the village map more "map like" but it didn't fit with my picture of who drew the map (storywise). That's another thing I've given some thought, to decide what to show on the map and how, I felt I needed to decide what the relation of the fictional map maker is to the fairy tale. I've decided the map will be a part of a book that someone wrote about their travels. The person had visited the village and heard about the villagers fate (or visited during the events). This means the map could include e.g. some kind of warning about what happened there, pictures of the local fauna and information about the style of life there. I haven't decided which language the book will be in or if the author will have modified the names of the places to better suit their mother tongue.

On to the actual sketch! I've kept most of the style and just zoomed out. I've started working a border that incorporated illustrations of the local fauna and hands symbolizing the curse. Added some people out fishing and seals looking at them menacingly.

### Latest WIP ###