Unless the client wanted a very strong orange tone I would add some other colors, some dark browns especially. It feels very orange at the moment. It defiantly reads more sci-fi to me.
This is a far future setting, a city on a hill/mesa near an ancient and defunct beam gun turret, which is treated now as holy site. The structure nearby is a monastery.
I'm struggling now a little bit with the decoration. More old looking or a more sci-fi mood. Suggestions? Also, any comments on the settlement itself?
Last edited by Sapiento; 03-01-2019 at 03:59 AM.
Unless the client wanted a very strong orange tone I would add some other colors, some dark browns especially. It feels very orange at the moment. It defiantly reads more sci-fi to me.
It seems strange that the beam gun turret is the only ancient artifact in the area.
It probably was protecting something else, so some additional ancient debris might be appropriate.
The current coloring has a dry and barren feel, which is at odds with the large water areas (rice fields?).
If the area is wet enough to support those ponds, I'd expect to see more vegetation scattered around.
Unless they have the technology to pump water up from the river for irrigation.
What is the technology level of the current residents like?
I agree with Domino about the orange, and with bkh about the vegetation. If the orange was a request by the client, then perhaps some more variation in the ground colour would help (especially in places that would likely have different soil types, like the river edge). It is wasn't, I'd suggest maybe toning down a bit towards a more orange/yellow/greenish colour.
Regarding the settlement, I think it looks good, but there is one major change you could make that I think would improve it: adding buildings (of various sizes and shapes) to the courtyards inside the blocks. These could also be used to suggest alleyways, closed courtyards and back yards, as in real cities.
And lastly, regarding whether to go for a sci-fi aesthetic or a more worn/old one, I don't know enough about the setting to make a call on that, but I'd lean towards making it more old. The place doesn't look extremely prosperous or wealthy, and so the older look would emphasise the poverty of the people more. At least in my opinion, that is.
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
It's a dry area, water is mostly underground and pumped up, only a few, very shallow creeks are there.
The gun turret was there to attack objects in orbit, not to protect a structure nearby.
That are FINEalgae pools (sounds more sci-fi). Maybe you can make out the wind mills scattered around - those pump up the water.
Medieval or a bit higher. Sometimes artefacts are found and used which give persons or settlements an advantage.
Ok, I think the biggest issue is the orange.
Small update. I changed the ground colour and added additional details to the buildings.
That is a huge improvement, Sap! It's really giving the feeling of a dry and barren landscape now
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
This is really nice.
I want to run something by you. Those are quite large buildings yes? If so, that is one biiiiig Creek. Maybe it would work better if you call it a river? That said, good work so far.
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