Quote Originally Posted by Azélor View Post
Fluid dynamic is complicated, you don't have to dig too deep to get a plausible world.
Phew, that is very good to know. My brain likes to get wound up about plausibility :p.

Quote Originally Posted by Azélor View Post
Other things:
I think Jean-Abel meant that the north pole is missing a bit of land. You need to have a small strip of land at the edge, or it could be water.
But right now the north pole is made of water and land at the same time. That is not possible.
That explains the problem I was having with orthographic projections! I fiddled a bit but didn't realize what the issue was. Adjusted to make it land.

Quote Originally Posted by Jean-Abdel View Post
Yes, Azélor is right about the north poles, there's definitely an issue about it. His current map is great too but they tend to follow the coastlines too strictly, I would suggest a mix between his and Jerron's.

Okay, attempt 2, trying to mesh both maps and pull away from the currents a little. Not onfident about the equatorial island chain, I feel like everything gets muddled in there.

Oni currents take 2.png