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Thread: Kohlvi region map, town map and Feyra Worldmap

  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice MrLegs's Avatar
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    Default Kohlvi region map, town map and Feyra Worldmap

    Hello all!

    Here a small collection of maps I made

    This map I made a while back. Its the map of the continent of Feyra. I've used this for a homebrew D&D campaign.

    world map small Feyr papyrus final.jpg

    This is a map zoomed in on the region around Kohlvi (follow the road from Magnir up and to the left). Its a small region where my players will probably have a few small adventures to get started

    Kohlvi region finished 2.jpg

    This is a map of the town of Kohlvi itself.

    kohlvi town map with indicators 2.jpg

    As always, feedback is more than welcome!
    Hobbyist mapmaker. Mostly battlemaps!
    With a Patreon if you want more!

  2. #2


    I like the detail you've added to the land forms of the Altrea map; the fjords and inlets all look really nice. Nice job.


  3. #3
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
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    All really nice posts but the map of Feyra is especially cool (Though I must admit that on the map itself I thought it spelled Ferra with the font). The coastlines there are amazing and the color choice really works. The paler colors really make the land look colder overall. The sketch of the sword and ship also are really cool. One final compliment is for the border, which looks amazing with the parchment style. Really nice!

    Edit: and how could I have forgotten the serpent!?

  4. #4
    Guild Apprentice
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    Fine work, indeed! I really like the coastline of the world map, and the ice bridge between the landmasses is a neat and interesting idea. The village map looks downright cozy and I enjoy the very detailed, close-up look inside the cottages. It's not everyday a map lets you see what people are having for dinner or what card game the inhabitants are playing!

  5. #5
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    I'm the Battlemap guy so I really like your town/farm map. Great detail.
    I just wish it were at a little higher resolution.
    It looks like at 1 in = 5 ft scale it is at 50 dpi resolution. Most VTT programs look best at 70 DPI and to print nice needs at least 100 dpi. If that were possible your map would be fantastic.

    Here is a comparison of your map at about 50 DPI and my map at 100. Your map is every bit as good, maybe even better than mine, but at the larger image size and higher resolution the details really stand out better.Resolution Comparison.jpg

  6. #6
    Guild Apprentice MrLegs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
    I'm the Battlemap guy so I really like your town/farm map. Great detail.
    I just wish it were at a little higher resolution.
    It looks like at 1 in = 5 ft scale it is at 50 dpi resolution. Most VTT programs look best at 70 DPI and to print nice needs at least 100 dpi. If that were possible your map would be fantastic.

    Here is a comparison of your map at about 50 DPI and my map at 100. Your map is every bit as good, maybe even better than mine, but at the larger image size and higher resolution the details really stand out better.Resolution Comparison.jpg
    Hmm that is very handy feedback. I am somewhat unfamiliar with how I could improve this though. Is this a case of making my file in photoshop (the programme I use) larger? Right now its 5000 x 3600 pixels, with 300 pixels/inch.

    A reason for the lower quality in the houses vs for example the trees, some of the farm plots, or the banner is that I made all the houses in separate files (so I can reuse them for more battlemaps), and then scaled down for this town, so maybe a bunch of detail got lost here aswell. Also i had to save it as a JPG because otherwise the file size would be too large to upload.

    House 1.png

    This is one of the houses not scaled down. Would the downscaling be the reason for the lack of DPI/detail?

    Sorry for perhaps sounding very untechnical here. I just figured what you said can be very good feedback that I would like to take into account.
    Hobbyist mapmaker. Mostly battlemaps!
    With a Patreon if you want more!

  7. #7
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Yes that house is a good resolution and nicely detailed. So scaling it down is part of the issue.

    I played around with the map. My best estimate is the map is 300ft wide or 60 inches at 1" =5', you started with 16.667 inches at 300 dpi. you can easily convert the 300 dpi to 100 dpi and then it is 50 ft wide. The resolution & clarity remain pretty good but it is not 1" = 5' yet. If you push the map size to 60" you do so at the expense of the image quality. Once you start a map in Photoshop you cannot change the ratio of inches wide to DPI without losing sharpness. I also tried it at 70 DPI and the image quality was pretty good for use on a VTT.
    Any way, keep up the good work and next time start with a little larger size.

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