This was a rough month to vote on, I had to vote on 9 this time. Far too many good maps!
KC Outpost NR 09020317, by - JO -
The Sky Pirates of Tramonta, by Abu Lafia
The Town of Hallof, by Adfor
Rooftop Living, by aeshnidae
Lair of Tohmet the Lich Queen, by Azelor
Kethyrn's Knell, by Blaidd Drwg
The Battle of Gordion, by Bogie
A Region of Parlora, by Chashio
Against the Taint, by DanielHasenbos
The Sundown Cities, by Diamond
The Mountain of Rasgar, by Domino44
Azelor Valley, by Greason Wolfe
Earth Reboot: New Eden, by Ilanthar
Kanoba, by J.Edward
Land of a Thousand Falls, by Jaxilon
The Fortified Kingdom of..., by kacey
Tuura City, by Kellerica
Laugdenor's Tower, by ladiestorm
As Yet Unnamed, by MapMappingMapped
Terror on Tramonta, by Meshon
Beauty and the Beast Village, by MistyBeee
Gaxmoor of Skelkor, by Naima
Greenbreaks Den, by Onirian
Parallion, by Ramah
Soel's Garrison, by RenflowerGrapx
Chene, by tainotim
The Last Charge of the Thurmatages, by Tenia
Angusta la Radieuse, by ThomasR
The Staggered Goat Tavern, by Tonquani
The Diamond Trade Route, by Voolf
Unnamed, by Wingshaw
What an incredible batch of maps! I tried so hard to limit my votes to 3, but I really couldn't and ended up voting for 6 (and that could very easily have been 10). That being said, every single map was top notch and makes me want to try out new ideas in my own work.
This was a rough month to vote on, I had to vote on 9 this time. Far too many good maps!
Incredibly hard. I had vowed to myself to limit my votes to five but obviously I wanted more. So I made it easier on myself and limited it to four instead. I found for that fifth spot I had so many maps vying for it I would have had to gone for all of them. So, four it is.
Congratulations to all who entered - your work is amazing and inspiring.
Royal: I'm very sorry for your loss, your mother was a terribly attractive woman.
My Cartographer's Guild maps: Finished Maps
More maps viewable at my DeviantArt page: Ramah-Palmer DeviantArt
Voted for 17, so many good maps! Alas, too much knitting commission work this month, gotta make the $ while the cold is still around! Seems Immolate didn't make a peep either, oh well..
Congratulations Beee
And a hearty hail to everyone who joined in on this beast of a challenge.
So much good stuff here on this Guild. Nods.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Congratulations MBeee! A truly great map!
Everyone deserves a round of applause, so much greatness!!
My Battlemaps Gallery
Yes indeed, nice job Beee! Your Compass of Gold will be along shortly. But really, congrats to all of us who entered this crazy thing. Give yourself a huge round of applause; you deserve it.
Just a reminder:
The next regular monthly Challenge will begin Monday, April 1st.
I'll leave all the entry threads here until then so we can relive our glory.
Last edited by Diamond; 03-21-2019 at 02:10 AM.
Gah! I know I'm traveling but I didn't mean to completely miss the voting. ☹️
On the bright side I saved myself a bunch of anguish trying to figure out who to vote for.
This really was a great challenge month.
“When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden
* Rivengard * My Finished Maps * My Challenge Maps * My deviantArt
Congratulations everyone, Misty in particular .
That was one crazy challenge. Thank you all for votes and rep comments too !
New Horizons
Fantasy maps and illustrations.
All my non-commisioned maps are FREE for personal use. Get them at my home page New Horizons
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Congratulations Bee ! A well deserved golden compass !