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Thread: 3D illustration of a sci-fi Japanese capital

  1. #11


    Another experiment, though I might use this - I like it. When I was playing around with the textures for Jorogumo, I accidentally selected a pink glass, which looked cool, but didn't find what I wanted to do with that race. However, I recall a movie I saw on Netflix called Ex Machina with a sexy android, that had a face with "human skin", but most of her was metal and glass. So I took a Poser model and diced up it's surface allowing me to use different textures on different parts. Her face, upper torso, upper arms and legs are covered in a metallic skin, somewhat similar to Androids as depicted in Starfinder. While the back of her head, neck, abdomen and lower arms are transparent pink swirly glass. You can see light passing through her arms in her shadow behind her on the floor. Anyway, my take on Android as a pilot aboard a starship. The starship seen in the background behind her, is an identical ship with an android on that bridge too... enjoy!


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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  2. #12


    This is "Evie Foray" as she's listed on the crew manifest, though this SRO (sentient robotic organism) is actually a labor droid with the EV-4A nomenclature. I needed a robot character for other illustrations I'll be doing, and wanted to put her into a scene to make it less boring. Enjoy!


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  3. #13


    The ISS Tokugahara, a Ryu class Imperial Battlecruiser as it passes a white dwarf while on patrol through the Ghost Nebula that encompasses the Kaidan Imperial starsystem - for my upcoming Starfinder setting of Japanese horror.

    ISS Tokugahara Tier 15
    Ryu class, huge Imperial Battlecruiser
    Speed 8; Maneuverability average (+0 Piloting, turn 2)
    AC 27; TL 31
    HP 180 (increment 25); DT 5; CT 36
    Shields Heavy 360 (forward 90, port 90, starboard 90, aft 90)
    Attack (Forward) capital persistent particle beam cannon 2d10x10
    Attack (Port) light high explosive missile launcher 4d8
    Attack (Starboard) light high explosive missile launcher 4d8
    Attack (Turret) heavy persistent particle beam 10d6
    Power Core Gateway Ultra (500), Nova Ultra (300); Drift Engine Signal Booster, 2; Systems advanced long range sensors, arcane command chair, arcane sensors, crew quarters (common), h8 thrusters, mk 2 trinode, mk 6 defenses, mk 8 armor, self destruct system; Expansion Bays cargo hold, command intelligence control, power core housing, spell-primed shield bay (5th level), Sick Bay, Tech Shop
    Modifiers +2 computers x3, +0 piloting; Complement 100



    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  4. #14


    Next a battlestar ship with a kabuto (samurai helmet) as decoration and where the ECCM emitters are located. This is a gargantuan missle platform ship. except for 3 coilguns for close defense, all other weapons systems are missiles and ECCM suites lower opponents Targetting Level by 7, making missiles easier to hit their targets. I tried a different design that failed, so went with the Star Wars imperial battlecruiser for inspiration on shape...

    ISS Tairo no Kiyomori Tier 16
    Shogun class, gargantuan Imperial Battlestar
    Speed 8; Maneuverability (+0 Piloting, turn 2)
    AC 29; TL 28
    HP 420; DT 10; CT 50
    Shields superior 600 (forward 150, port 150, starboard 150, aft 150)
    Attack (Forward) Hellfire Torpedo Launcher 2d10x10; Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher 5d10 x2
    Attack (Port) Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher 5d10 x2; Coilgun 4d4
    Attack (Starboard) Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher 5d10 x2; Coilgun 4d4
    Attack (Aft) Coilgun 4d4
    Attack (Turret) Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher 5d10 x2
    Power Core Gateway Ultra (500), Gateway Light (300); Drift Engine Signal Basic, 1; Systems advanced long ranger sensors, crew quarters (common), g8 thrusters, mk 3 trinode, mk 8 armor, mk 8 defenses, self destruct system; Expansion Bays ECCM suite (x3), medical bay, power core housing, tech shop
    Modifiers +0 Piloting, +3 x3 computers; Complement 300


    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 03-20-2019 at 04:56 PM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  5. #15


    Probably the most complex 3D character illustration I've ever modeled and created. This is the Oni Taisho (oni general), the true BBEG of the Kaidan setting - arguably the Shogun and many of the daimyo are not pleasant people, but the Oni is the true enemy. The Oni Taisho leads the forces of Jigoku in order to destroy all planets that are not oni possessions. I used mostly Japanese styled armor, but there's some Chinese designs in it too. This is a greater oni, who can have four or more arms, one, two or three eyes, a pair or two of tusks from the mouth, some have horns other do not, since the Oni Taisho has much power he has 4 arms, 3 eyes, a pair of horns, 2 pairs of tusks to show his rank among oni-kind. He's armed with a green crystal mace, a chrome pistol, a spear and some type of elemental arcane energy is forming beneath is lower left hand. He is of ogre height, as well. Interestingly this illustration fits both Starfinder and dark fantasy too... enjoy!


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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  6. #16
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    You have been busy ! Im kinda enjoying these - they are very creative.

  7. #17


    Thanks, Redrobes!

    With an art budget of zero dollars, after having paid for a few pieces, and still needing more, I've gone 3D myself to accomplish. It's for sci-fi so I think 3D is acceptable for sci-fi stuff, I probably wouldn't use 3D for fantasy products.
    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 03-22-2019 at 01:12 AM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  8. #18


    Next of the war ships is the ISS Toranaga, a Shishi Destroyer class ship. It shares similarities in the nose design of the Ryu battlecruiser, with the Shishi lion temple guardian statue above the nose. Since it's a large ship which can land on a planet, I rendered on planet. I thought the custom shishi lion I modeled turned out pretty good (modeled in Wings 3D, rendered in Vue Creator).

    ISS Toranaga Tier 11
    Shishi class large imperial destroyer
    Speed 10; Maneuverability average (+0 Piloting, turn 2)
    AC 29; TL 35
    HP 180; DT -; CT 14
    Shields medium 200 (forward 50, port 50, starboard 50, aft 50)
    Attack (Forward) Light Particle Beam 3d6
    Attack (Port) Light Particle Beam 3d6
    Attack (Starboard) Light Particle Beam 3d6
    Attack (Aft) Flak Thrower 3d4 (point)
    Attack (Turret) Light Particle Beam 3d6
    Power Core Gateway Ultra (500); Drift Engine Signal Major, 3; Systems advanced long range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 2 duonode, mk 8 armor, mk 10 defenses, self destruct system; Expansion Bays cargo bay, ECM suite, medical bay, tech shop
    Modifiers +0 Piloting, +2 x2 Computers; Complement 20


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  9. #19


    Okay, new model and rendering of the ISS Taira no Kiyomori, shogun class battlestarship. Same weapons and complement, got rid of the kabuto helmet motif, and replaced with the Enflamed Circle motif that appear behind the heads of Buddhist deities, with the Taira family house crest at center (a butterfly), as Kiyomori is the Shogun of Kaidan.

    ISS Tairo no Kiyomori Tier 16
    Shogun class, gargantuan Imperial Battlestar
    Speed 8; Maneuverability (+0 Piloting, turn 2)
    AC 29; TL 28
    HP 420; DT 10; CT 50
    Shields superior 600 (forward 150, port 150, starboard 150, aft 150)
    Attack (Forward) Hellfire Torpedo Launcher 2d10x10; Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher 5d10 x2
    Attack (Port) Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher 5d10 x2; Flak Thrower 3d4
    Attack (Starboard) Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher 5d10 x2; Flak Thrower 3d4
    Attack (Aft) Flak Thrower 3d4
    Attack (Turret) Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher 5d10 x2
    Power Core Gateway Ultra (500), Gateway Light (300); Drift Engine Signal Basic, 1; Systems advanced long ranger sensors, crew quarters (common), g8 thrusters, mk 3 trinode, mk 8 armor, mk 8 defenses, self destruct system; Expansion Bays ECCM suite (x3), medical bay, power core housing, tech shop
    Modifiers +0 Piloting, +3 x3 computers; Complement 300


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  10. #20


    While I may put a starscape behind it, I'm thinking this will be the logo I'll be using on my Kaidan Starfinder setting books. It's using the symbols I used on the Taira no Kiyomori battlestarship, the Taira House crest surrounded by the burning wheel halo symbol behind the heads of Buddhist deities, then Kaidan and descriptor in jade. It meets the style I'm trying to present.

    I had images of the samurai crest for house Taira, and recently purchased a Japanese illustrator's portfolio as a book, that had a section on Buddhist beings of power. I scanned and imported the images to Xara Designer Pro, the vector program I use for all my maps. I hand-traced all the symbols into vector, then exported the files to AI format. Wings 3D, the subdivisional surface modeling software, I use for most of my 3D models, let's me import AI files and convert to one way extruded 3D models. Once in 3D format, I export to OBJ format, which I can import into Vue Creator, apply the textures, lighting and render the scene to this result.


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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