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I see exactly what you mean, yeah. I didn't use a city generator, though I can see why it would appear that way. All I did was take small sections of cities/towns/villages etc from Google Earth, then drew the lines over them. I have strong doubts about the logic of my city layout. As I mentioned, I had hoped to explain it away as a symptom of rapid growth, but there are some areas that just make no sense. Now that I have a clearer map of the city, plus all of the major landmarks, I think I would benefit from doing the roads again, this time accommodating some smaller rivers, the main roads and a railway, and be able more clearly link some areas of the city together.
For the sake of clarification, the inner walled area is the original fortress, with the outer wall then encircling the original settlement. A previous king then relocated his home to the new royal palace on the river to the south east. I agree that I would benefit from removing perhaps as many as half as those streets. If I was to carry on with the experimental sample, do you think I should continue with the building blocks as they are, or combine them in to slightly larger city blocks instead? Keeping in mind the layout as it is right now does not represent individual buildings, rather built up areas, whilst still accommodating some of the smaller backstreets.