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Thread: March / April '19 Lite Challenge: Last Known Transmission

  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice Rwhyte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Coast, California

    Wip March / April '19 Lite Challenge: Last Known Transmission

    Jumping-in to try out a lite challenge, and with the moon for a muse.

    After a successful landing on the lunar surface, the crew set out in the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) to collect samples and deploy the primary scientific sensors. The initial Stations 1-5 led the crew to the South and West before returning to the landing module. As planned, Stations 6-9 were established in a traverse from the base of the North Massif. However, shortly after embarking East for Station 10, telemetry and communications with the LRV were lost. Awaiting observation from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter for possible visual position of the crew. Until that time, included is a map of their last known transmission...

    ### Latest WIP ###

    Geospatial datasets used in this project are available for use from the USGS, and in the public domain. Specific citations below

    Composed using ArcGIS Pro, with the 'Firefly' symbology for points and lines, and the Sky Model hillshade used to texture the 3D terrain.

    I realize this may not be the typical practice, with most maps being constructed from scratch. But I'm struck by the possibility of casting cool stories within the richness of these places and available datasets.

    Lunar Elevation Surface
    LRO LOLA and Kaguya Terrain Camera DEM Merge 60N60S 512ppd (59m)
    Reference: Barker, M.K., E. Mazarico, G.A. Neumann, M.T. Zuberc, J. Haruyama, D.E. Smith, (2016), A new lunar digital elevation model from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter and SELENE Terrain Camera, Icarus, Volume 273, Pages 346–355 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.07.039.

    Landing Site and EVA Tracks
    Haase, I., Wählisch, M., Gläser, P., Oberst, J., Robinson, M. S., Coordinates and Maps of the Apollo 17 Landing Site, Earth and Space Science, under review.

    Lunar surface feature names
    Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature - International Astronomical Union

  2. #2


    Hey, that's definitely an interesting entry, different from what we usually see !
    Also a good occasion to congratulate you for joining the Guild and the challenges : welcome aboard, Rwhyte !

  3. #3
    Guild Apprentice Rwhyte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Coast, California


    Thanks for the welcome! And all the inspiring work! Glad to be here

  4. #4
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Wonderful work! Thanks for joining the challenge and the Guild!

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