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Thread: March / April '19 Lite Challenge: The Killing Moon

  1. #1

    Default March / April '19 Lite Challenge: The Killing Moon

    I may not have time to get a proper start for a bit as I have other projects but I wanted to reserve my spot.

    I have been seeing the concept of one page dungeons and thought it would be fun to do. My concept is a short quest where adventurers meet a fortune teller on the road who warns them of the Killing Moon, a super moon coinciding with the equinox, lycanthrops become highly active for several days. they then find lodging at a local farm and during the night the live stock is killed and dragged off. The adventurers track down the killers to the werewolf liar.

    Here is my rough sketch, I may flip it to go from bottom to top though, we will see.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    The Killing Moon Draft.jpg

  2. #2
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Love this idea!! Welcome to the Challenge!

  3. #3


    That is indeed an excellent idea for a short adventure! Looking forward to seeing it fleshed out.

    Was the title perhaps inspired by a certain song from Echo and the Bunnymen?


  4. #4


    It's been a crazy past few weeks for me, one of those where you look back and are amazed all that only happened in a month. So I didn't get to put as much time as I wanted into this but I wanted to at least get something on the table. It was a bit of a challenge for me to keep everything to one page, so I cheated and did a front and back.

    Arsheesh, good catch! Yes it was completely inspired by that song, I recently re-watched Donnie Darko as it was a favorite of mine back in the day. I didn't get a chance to put in the edits you suggested on my last map before the lock down, but it is something I am working to get the hang of. I did happen to drive through your area just last week, the wife and I took a trip up to Port Townsend, it is as beautiful as ever.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    The Killing Moon.jpg

  5. #5
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Well, that came together completely different than I expected,, Really cool!

  6. #6


    Thank you! Completely different then I expected as well. I'm not 100% satisfied but i was trying something new and did not give myself enough time to do further experimentation.

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