Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
Definitely food for thought. Thank you.

I think that second point you made is more attractive. The levels and monster difficulty is not something I can yet lean on to use on my maps. So, story is going to be the back for the time being.

That said, I started a map today for more that one reason, but now it has got me thinking of what is on the other side of this mountain with the cave. Maybe a hidden stronghold was in the mountains forgotten with time. What happened to it that it went silent in the first place. Is it whatever is causing the frost to take over the caves? The party will have to find out. Though, they might trigger an ancient beacon that sets in motion an army to to stir in the west destroying everything on its way to the stronghold, having them have to defend the peace of their town by taking a stand in the old ruins in the mountains.

### Latest WIP ###

(Hehe, the map pack is expanding. )
That sounds fun! Nothing like a mindless army marching towards a goal unwaveringly, just be careful with that type of power, players don't start facing troop-based mobs until higher levels, usually 8-10+.