First off, I want to thank Azelor, Charerg and Azure for their work in this tutorial. So helpful! Can't believe how manageable this makes climate "generation" and just generally helped me understand how the whole system works together.

I'm posting because I'm having some trouble with the pressure systems. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the exact way that they interact with each other to create precipitation. I've tried a couple of times now, and I just feel like eventually I just end up grasping at straws, guessing how it ends up, not actually following the flow of things.

I've attached two very rudimentary combined pressure/temporary wet maps to illustrate my process. I can't really pinpoint any concrete problem areas, but they show how confused it all gets. There's no elevation yet, just to make it a bit easier. I guess my question is... Are there any places you guys can identify where I've completely screwed up? I'm kind of doubtful as to whether I've placed overland HP systems correctly, for example.

The "+" shaped continent in the center is kind of emblematic of the problem, it gets funky desert areas on the tips of each peninsula, where I kind of feel like it should be wet all year round pretty much.

Any help would be much appreciated!!

Continents continents.png

January janpressure_wet.png

July julypressure_wet.png