Quote Originally Posted by Onirian View Post
"An imaginary map tour by God & Beee - because maps are everywhere, even in clouds".
I'm ok to create you a website, and give you a domain name and some emails adress for promotion.
And for the production, I'm pretty sure it's possible to found "print on demand" seller with correct price ^^.

It'll be a project taking a ridiculous amount of time with something like near zero profit, but it promise to be very very cool ^^.
And I WANT to see this book !

ps : and if you are kind with me I promise to draw something for you in this book ^_^.
pps : and if you are really really kind with me, I promise to NOT draw something for you in this book ^_^.
Every time I look at print on demand options, I just can't agree to those terms.
Lulu is a good example.

It's just a losing proposition. The POD companies take far too large of a cut.