Quote Originally Posted by Gidde View Post
Hmm, I like the small trees better, but now they really don't match the mountains stylistically. Maybe if they were a bit lighter? Sorry - I'm a trial and error kind of mapper lol, so I can't give better advice
Its easy to brighten it up, just put on a new layer, mark the old layer of trees, add soft light to the layer and brush it with white almost yellow kind of light. Will look like this then...
Im not sure, I enjoy the dark woods, the woods that are marked are the old ones, in between and everywhere there will be lighter smaller tree areas, symboling more kind woods for travellers.
You can also see I added old big trees hig has mountains, elven trees, from the old world.

You think this lighten version of the old woods are better?
remember its just the mapout, havent started with the details as much yet
Also its my firts map ever so Im struggling with every bit... What i did with the trees is I painted em large on by one to look like a real tree and then added it into a brush with a few others and dotted em out.
