Quote Originally Posted by Galendae View Post
There is much that I like in this map but the real exceptional stuff is; Baldur's Gate the Town and Iron Throne Mines. I really like Cloakwood and the High Hedge too. This map has me excited to dive into a new mapping project. Great stuff!

This map reminds me of "Embers in the Ashes" Map; http://www.fantasticmaps.com/2015/05...-in-the-ashes/

Not quite the same scale but similar styles. Did that map influence you at all?
Your detail reminds me of that map.

Again, Epic stuff!
Awesome, Thanks Galendae
No, i do like Torstan's maps, but it wasn't an inspiration for this.
I think it may have been the map for BG 2 that I tried to get a feel from.
They had some nice rolling hills there.
But, it's also just an extension of my style that is somewhat inspired by Raisz.
Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Breathtaking. As far I as I remember, the best map I've seen from this region.
And thanks for sharing those close-ups, it's both interesting and another proof of your talent .
Thanks Ilanthar
I hope it stands well over time.

And a few more close-ups.
Tomorrow is another big update.

BG Sword Coast-crop09.jpg - BG Sword Coast-crop10.jpg

BG Sword Coast-crop12.jpg - BG Sword Coast-crop11.jpg

BG Sword Coast-crop15.jpg - BG Sword Coast-crop16.jpg