Working on my water. Screwed around with mask layers for a bit, but then just went with painting color on top of color, like a normal human being
Long time lurker, not much of a poster.
Been circling around mapping for a long time. I've done some stuff with Inkarnate and Campaign Cartographer, but this is my first big stab with photoshop and following some of the tutorials of Jonathan Roberts. This is a regional section of Wystern Ath, the region where I hope to run a campaign with my players. Early stages here so far.
Haven't really decided where to go with this map, in terms of final look. I didn't want just pen and ink style, and wanted color, but still wanted a parchment feel. Just trying to figure out colors, bouncing around layer options, etc. I am saving different versions in case I completely change my mind and go another route. Not even sure how to handle the ocean to be honest. I'm working with an intuous pad as well which is a learning experience.
Any tips or thoughts would be appreciated.
Last edited by Sidmandoo; 05-20-2019 at 01:00 PM.
Working on my water. Screwed around with mask layers for a bit, but then just went with painting color on top of color, like a normal human being
Looking good so far! Those are some nicely done mountains but maybe they would look more realistic with some mountains branching off the sides of the main chains?
Thank you. I agree 100%.
I put in some smaller side chains which I think work well. Thank goodness I had good layer management. Water is worked in more now. Painting it in is so much easier (and relaxing) than screwing around with masks etc. Playing a little with smudge tool there as well.
Now I think I need to go back to the forest, and rework in my line art to define those forests better. Against the mountain lines they look washed out. Then work in some better color to them.
Ditching my other forest and shading, and going with some new line art on the forest. Keeping the rivers as place markers but they will be refined as well. Forests are, for some reason, more difficult for me than mountains. Been looking at a lot of examples out there, and trying to figure out the pen strokes, best pixel size etc.....still not a huge fan with how the forest are coming out, but maybe the shading will clean it up, but I might have to go do some detail repair.
Se ve muy agradable para ser un principiante. Yo sigo practicando con el arte lineal porque me pasa lo mismo con los bosque, la clave es continuar y mejorar. Felicidades por su trabajo.
Gracias Joker87. El trabajo coninua....
Going with a different style for the forest, a little better look isometrically but more work to be done.
Lowering expectations and feeling better about the look......redid the rivers, fleshed out the forest colors, starting work on grasslands and swamp, added line art for grasslands.
Next map I will go without a parchment background and see if I can get a better handle on colors.
Here is the near final. It is not super pro, but for a first go with PS, I've learned a lot.
Next go, I will use a larger canvas and compress the image down. I think that will give me more leeway and hide mistakes
I'll also use a white background instead of working off parchment initially. I am hoping that will make working in the colors easier.
Probably a good idea to do some studies too, just work with forests and try and get them down without having to worry about the whole map. Also put in some time with hills.