Originally Posted by
Kisachik the Wanderer
Hi Kier. I copied and resized your map and it looks sharp even at 1000x1000 pixels, 72 dpi to me. I know the grid does look lighter at smaller size, but it's still very clear, because the map is composed of boxy shapes with no irregularities. If your inner perfectionist demands a super sharp grid, I'd just make a new one from scratch that would fit whatever size your map is under that required file size.
This looks like an indoor maze of some sort, so you're right, that cobblestone texture doesn't fit there, because it has dead vegetation between the stones that comes from falling pine needles, which give it that lively brown color (or some other type of vegetation possibly). The shadows in the corners are way too dark though, and in some places the top layer walls make them darker on lower layer, which is not what happens in reality. Your shadows seem to fade all the way to 100% black, which you would never observe not only with this type of shadow, but even in a cast shadow where there is just one light source and a low amount of ambient light.
Stylistically shadows are from the world of painting, so I would try replacing them with a black outline, as a drawing element. Or make the shadows much lighter. Or do both. You can mix drawing and painting in an image, but it can be difficult, as they break each other's rules. I do this in my illustrations, so I can tell you from experience that it's a lot of trial and error, and it's quite time consuming. It can be very rewarding as well, if you manage to pull it off.