So, about half a year later I've finally dragged my way to getting through a draft of the precipitations. Definitely I need to rethink my approach for the future, as this ended up becoming quite tedious - probably was a big mistake to try to lay down one "color"/category of precipitation at a time for the whole world, then the next, etc. I'd probably have been a lot more engaged if I'd focused on one region at a time for all the categories and then moved on to the next.

Not feeling quite as solid on these as the temperatures, although I've got names to refer to the continents by now.

"July" precipitations

"January" precipitations

I'm not so sure how good my notion was in the "July" map was that the ITCZ might be partially deflected by the gigantic mountain range in SE Myrichor, as I drew the tropical rainfall zone swerving a bit more south than normal for the northern-hemisphere summer where it runs into them. I tried to reference Earth often but often fell into the trap of comparing specific regions of Chord to specific regions of Earth that they had superficial similarities to but might have been at significantly different latitudes because my perceptions were often a bit off.

Some feedback on anything that seems to be a glaring error would be appreciated.