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Thread: Hello from Chicago

  1. #1

    Default Hello from Chicago

    Hey everyone, I'm an amateur map maker from Chicago. I mostly enjoy mapping dungeons and caves for fantasy rpgs. My overland mapping leaves much to be desired, however. I want to improve my skills so I've been reading articles and viewing other's maps in order to pick up some tips and tricks. I'm mostly using campaign cartographer 3 plus. I picked it up about 5 years ago but was overwhelmed and set it aside. Since then I've had to start using Vectorworks Spotlight for work and that helped me understand a bit more of cc3+, so I have dived back into it. Looking forward to being part of this community.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Adfor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Western Pennsylvania


    I look forward to seeing your work! I definitely understand how you feel about being overwhelmed, when I first started here, I was as rudimentary as can be, push on into the unknown!



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