Doesn't Photoshop have a measure tool?
I use GIMP and it has a Measure tool that measures the distance between any two points on an image.
How do i measure my map?
I need to measure the distance from point to point of my map, the length of one street, the size of a continent or the length of a river, in miles or km.
I created my map in Photoshop, i need that information to calculate the travel time in my book.
Someone can Help me? Sorry for my english is not my first llenguage .
Last edited by Elros; 06-11-2019 at 06:23 AM.
Doesn't Photoshop have a measure tool?
I use GIMP and it has a Measure tool that measures the distance between any two points on an image.
without seeing the map advice is a bit hard
there are different ways depending on the map projection
for example if it is in simple cylindrical projection and a whole planet then QGis can be used
if it is a small area in equal area projection then the gimp/ photoshop " measure tool" can be used
--- 90 seconds to Midnight ---
--- Penguin power!!! ---
This is the map.
Mappa 1 Project Copyright.jpg
I dont know anything about projection.
Last edited by Elros; 06-11-2019 at 06:27 AM.
If you know the scale of your map, you can measure the distance in pixels and easily calculate the „real“ distance by using the scale.
Your scale is 10 px/km.
You measure a distance of 260 px.
Then your distance is 260 / 10 = 26 km.
„The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began
Now far ahead the Road has gone
And I must follow if I can“
– Bilbo Baggins
That seems pretty precise. Basically the level of fidelity is in the hands of the map creator.
You may want to check this link regarding your rivers:
Thanks for the advice , i've already looked at that link, another member has already recommended it to me in another section of this forum.
This is the correction
Mappa 1 Project Copyright.jpg
If you have any other advice on my map can you visit this link please ?
My first testing map, do you have any advice?
Last edited by Elros; 06-11-2019 at 03:38 PM.