Hi everyone!

I've been worldbuilding for more than half my life, and for some reason hadn't joined this forum until now. Lately I've been getting back into the swing of things and redesigning my entire world from scratch (more accurately, actually working out how everything works instead of just being kind of vague about it). I found it too difficult to design a coherent world by starting somewhere small and working out, so my new approach is to create the entire world and zoom in, so to speak. Unfortunately I haven't got much to show for all these years of work because I keep changing everything (lots of half-completed maps, drawings, and language fragments), but my goal for the next few years is to finish what I'm working on. Maybe if I share bits of it as a work-in-progress with people I won't be quite so tempted to change my mind?

Anyway, here's a work-in-progress of the world so far: