Quote Originally Posted by IICubeII View Post
Some serious skill here, great work dude!
Thanks so much!

Quote Originally Posted by GodofMoxie View Post
Looks really good, been meaning to run one of my parties through a hags hut for some time and this is by far the best battle map I have seen for something like that.
Glad you like it. If you do end up picking up a copy I'd love to here how the encounter goes with your group.

Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
Wicked Cool! Just amazing lighting and mood!
Thanks very much Bogie, it was important to me to get the mood and lighting right in this piece so I'm glad to here you say that.

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Wow! I'm really impressed by your last maps, Arsheesh, and this one is no exception!
The lineart is great, the colors and lights splendid! That gif is a cherry on the cake .
Thanks so much Ilanthar. I've been inspired by so much of the wonderful work artists (like yourself) here and on social media are doing that its really encouraged me to strive to improve my own style.

Quote Originally Posted by Jaxilon View Post
Totally Awesome Bro! This looks super sweet, I love it. Not sure how I might work it into my world but I very well might.
Thanks, if you do I'd love to here about it.

Thanks everyone for the kind words on my map.
