Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
Beautiful work on this Domino. I love the colors in this piece. And it's nice how each district has its own unique flavor. One thing I noticed however was that the district labels are a bit difficult to read, especially when zoomed out. Otherwise love it.

Thank you Arsheesh! Labeling is probably the thing I struggle with the most, so it's something i'm still working on getting better at!

Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Great work! And nice to see you around again with a new map.

I like the layout of the city a lot, and like Arsh I enjoy the tones in the colored version. The temple at number 20. has to be my favorite detail, I love how that looks!
I'm not completely sold on the wavelines surrounding the coasts, I've always felt those work better with isometric rather than top-down type of maps. The compass rose also looks pretty pixelated at 100%.

All in all, a nice map. Congrats on pulling it off, I know how much pain city maps can be when you are not used to making them, as someone who practically never does!
Thank you!
I don't love the wave lines around the coast but it's something my client asked for. I did notice the compass it was the same compass I had used for his other maps and I didn't have time to update the quality.

Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
I always have a special crush for city maps. There's a lot of work on this one for sure, and the two versions are nice : I would have some hard time to choose one
Thanks misty! It took a lot of time but I'm really happy I did it, I learned so much! Next time I don't think it will take as long.

Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
So much work, so much patience... and such a beautiful result ! Congratulations !
Thanks JO!

Quote Originally Posted by Jerron View Post
"Die schimmelnde Eichel" sounds like a lovely place.
(Especially if you understand the German double entendre. )
all the names were given to me from my client so I haven't actually thought on it

Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
I have a default setting to "profound respect" when I see a city map as it seems I'm not able to think them straight but yours is well thought and beautiful ! Great job Domino !
Thanks Thomas! I am really happy with the results on this as well!