Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Well I believe you. I just did a search for your name and you were top of the list....
I am the dominant Tiffany Munro. For now. Mwhahaha.

Yeah, this is basically the extent of my tactics. SEO goes deep and technical. I've done my best to try not devolve into super programmer technicalities, but keep it to tactics people can do for free with a little bit of work.

I forgot to mention but I use Wordpress plugins, two of them, to help me out with the task. One is Yoast for blog posts, and the other is NextGenGallery for managing my images, since you can create things like slideshows without losing the ability to load the images up with meta data, and organize your images into folders appropriately in a way that is more organizationally sound to me.

I'm really hoping a few people here will take this information and strengthen their online presence.

Wired and Marc, you're welcome.