Quote Originally Posted by LizardInk View Post
OH WOW. A triumphant collaboration indeed! So many details here to savor--the subtle serpents in the border, the gentle grid, the epic title banner! I will be tracking down those close-ups!
Thanks Jess
I posted some yesterday, but will post some more today.
Quote Originally Posted by Pomb View Post
I was waiting for you to post this up here, I couldn't fully appreciate it on Instagram. I think I'll need a few days to soak it all in, It's truly masterful piece. I love it.
Thanks Pomb
I know what you mean. IG pics are usually too small.
Quote Originally Posted by Arimel View Post
The level of detail is amazing. I like the style you use for the mountains and all of the tiny ships. Mistybeee sure chose an amazing style for this map!
Thanks Arimel
I enjoyed adding those little ships.
Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
It was a long time expected project
Long years ago, as I still used to be a silent lurker here, Oni had first the idea to offer me a series of maps of Oneira as Christmas gifts, once a year, drawn by favorite map makers. The idea had to be delayed for some reason, slighly changed its shape, but we finally started it. The best way to combine our love for Oneira, our passion for maps, and to support artists we love.

And... and... look at it ! Now, there's no way I could map it again, or map it as good. I'm just unable to stop smiling and jumping and dancing and staring at it.
My biggest, deepest thank you, J. Both for the map, which will be the star of our house for a long while, and the amazing conversations while you were working on it !

It was a pleasure to work on this with you and Oni.
And such a wonderful premise as well, to work with other artists and support the community.
That is so totally the spirit of the Guild.

You will map Oneira again, and it will be gorgeous.
I also hope others will take up the challenge when it is presented.
I'd love to see all the different versions.
I'm glad I was able to visit Oneira and wander around for a bit.
Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
Damn, that's a nice map. Though you sell yourself short, Mistybeee. You make nice ones too.
Thanks Tiana
And you're right, Beee makes exquisite maps.
She is exagerating. ;p
Quote Originally Posted by Onirian View Post
As I said before on Instagram, this map is juste awesome :-))))
Thanks Oni
I was happy to work with you both.
And... you are such a romantic. Maps for Christmas... )
An excellent gift idea more people should follow.
Quote Originally Posted by ChrisCB View Post
That's an amazin map, you know that !
Thank you Chris