Quote Originally Posted by Ayama View Post
WoW what a nice style, how long did it take too work these detailed things like mountains, villages and fields out?
Thank you Ayama I usually keep track of the time spent on my maps, but I lost track with this one. A long time, let's just say that

Quote Originally Posted by Pomb View Post
Damn Wingshaw what a charming map! I love all the little details, specially the villages and buildings (my sore spot atm) I hear you on how long it takes for bushes and trees, those suckers really eat time. I like Easthaven island, the land formation is so cool.
How do you get names? my nameology is pretty poor, you seem to have a good grip on names that don't sound contrived / corny, is that something that you get from the client?
Thanks Pomb With the names, there isn't much secret to my method: I use fantasy name generators (I recommend donjon.bin.sh and fantasynamegenerators.com) and I keep on generating new names until I find something that 'fits' the town I'm looking at (eg. I wouldn't use "Samplebridge" for a town that has no reason to have a bridge).

Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
A really lovely piece Wingshaw! Nice job on the rendering for this piece. I also really like the cities and their crests. Nice work on this one.

Thanks Arsheesh

Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
Nice map, with a lot of elements !

I love the idea of the hedges !
Cheers Jo

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Great map, full of details and elements.
Thank you Ilanthar
