This is excellent for a first digital map! I'm not exactly an experienced mapmaker so I don't have much to add, but just a few minor things:

• I quite like the text you've used (the place names are excellent as well), with the exception that the A's without the crossbar make it a bit hard to read- perhaps because I've been spending too much time reading linguistics texts and it just looks like an open-back unrounded vowel to me.
• The river delta in the south looks a bit odd, I think because the river itself is quite thin, so the delta at the moment looks more like an archipelago (if it's actually supposed to be an archipelago then disregard this comment!). I might recommend starting with some criss-crossing rivers before making the spaces between the islands thicker.
• Your forests and mountains looks excellent in my opinion! Forests in particular are difficult to do well, so I'm impressed. If I had a minor quibble it might be that the spaces between the tree trunks in your forest are rather wide, and make it look quite "open". Perhaps I might recommend making the trunks thicker or adding more trunks.
• With regards to filling the empty spaces, perhaps some cities or other settlements would be good? I'd love to see what clever names you come up with! You could add roads or political borders between them after that if there still appear to be empty spaces. Alternatively if this isn't supposed to be a well-settled territory, some hilly areas or random rock formations in the empty spaces look nice.

Overall this is great, and I look forward to seeing where you go with it!