Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Damn, it seems I completely forgot to comment on this when it was posted! But I'm sure you know how I feel about it, B... I think the simpified style works very well - it still carries the feel of a big city, but draws the eye to the areas of importance. Certainly a worthwhile style to keep in mind for people who don't quite have the time and the money for your more elaborate cities, as mindblowing as they can be.
Yes, I think it's a good compromise, and as a personal though... I must say it was also very fun to draw : just focus on the most interesting buildings. Even if I do love drawing billions of minuscule random houses, it was good to avoid them for once

Quote Originally Posted by UnstableGunEnthusiast View Post
Beautiful, as always. Especially the various map embellishments and that castle/keep at the center of the city. You've always been such an exceptional inspiration to me.
Thanks so much, UGE ! It was a very cool one to draw, so I'm glad people enjoy it ! ^^