This looks Great!
The off-white background makes it a lot easier on the eyes.
Thanks Bogie! I spent a fair deal of time on it, but I'm glad it's working!
Thanks Thomas! I'm not actively trying to emulate that style, but I definitely read a ton of French and Belgian comics back in the day. I was absolutely fascinated by the adventures of "Spike & Suzy" (I just found out that's what they're called in English, even though we tend to call them "Suske & Wiske"!), and a fair amount of other comics as well. They must have trickled down from my kiddy years I guess!
Thanks XCali! The white background is there simply so client can afterwards plonk in whichever background they like. But I did experiment with a parchment version for a bit, as you can see below. Oh, and I added labels, and an actual title!!
Dungeon 1 (14).jpg
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This looks Great!
The off-white background makes it a lot easier on the eyes.
A teeny tiny update: a different title! And if client gives their stamp of approval, this one is finished!
Dungeon 1 (14b).jpg
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Ooh, this looks fatnastic so far. It's going to be a beauty.
If the rest of the maps in the book are half as good as this, I'd buy the book for the maps alone! This is really, really good!
Questions, questions, questions:
How long do you think this took you to do? i'm assuming you use Ps or GIMP, at what resolution do you work - the detail is phenomenal?
Hey Damon, first of all: thanks a lot! So happy to hear you like what you see!
Not sure exactly how long it took me to map this place. I've been thinking of timing my work for a while now, but when I actually begin, I always forget (or just decide not to because of all the hastle). I tend to spend about ten to fifteen hours a week on this mapping business, and I believe this one took me a little over two weeks, maybe three-ish? So anywhere between 20 and 45 hours for this particular one.
I do all of my work in Photoshop, on a (rapidly aging, but still functional) Surface Pro 3 tablet with touch screen. I draw with a stylus directly on the screen, which has its advantages over drawing tablets such as the old Wacom Bamboo I still have lying around somewhere (I bought it in 2013!). It just feels more direct, since you're seeing the result of your work right where you're actually working. Plus, this setup allows me to just throw my tablet in a backpack and draw while I'm on the move. I can even draw with one hand and hold the tablet in the other if I really have to, but that really stretches the limits of what's possible (using keyboard shortcuts is nigh-on impossible that way). Mostly I draw my maps while commuting to and from work, squeezed between my fellow commuters. Which actually works!
However, one big advantage of the drawing tablets is that you can view the entire image, none of it is blocked by your hand, which in some cases can be really helpful. So if you tend to work at a desk and you have desk space to spare, this is still a very good alternative. Also, if you already have a computer, a drawing tablet is super cheap compared to buying a new touch-enabled tablet computer. You should be able to find one for a little over 100 bucks.
And seriously, whichever option you pick: drawing with a stylus is orders of magnitude better than using a mouse. Mice are perfect for clicking buttons and selecting text, but little more. Go for a stylus!![]()
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Hi Caenwyr, you're very welcome.
Couldn't agree more re tablet versus mouse. I'm currently using a Huion 1610 Pro on a 12 year old iMac that's had an upgrade to 5mb of RAM - don't get too excited now at that vast number, and the hard drive replaced with a 750gb SSD. I think my OS is El Capitan or some such. My son, started a graphics design course in his early 20's not long after we got the computer and got Adobe Creative Suite 4 at the student price and that's what I use, Ps, Ai and occasionally Indesign.
Would I like to upgrade, hell yeah. But until my RPG freelancing covers the cost of a subscription/dedicated graphics tablet it won't be happening...
Cheers, and keep up the excellent work!
Really cool, I love the lighting and it's interesting to see where things start and where they can go from there.
Hi Caenwyr, nice dungeon. Could you tell me what program or software do you use to make the 3D map? I am also designer and really like dungeon board games with minis. My hooby is crafting board games for my adventures. Thanks!
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