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Thread: How do I erase layer styles on select areas in PS Elements?

  1. #1

    Default How do I erase layer styles on select areas in PS Elements?

    See picture below. The upper left picture is the zoomed out. Other picture is the zoomed in.

    I have a glow layer style on my land that looks great for shoreline. The problem is that layer style follows me when I'm cutting into my land for rivers (I experimented with just painting on rivers but I like the inline strategy better). I want to erase the layer style (i.e. the yellow glow) on select areas (i.e. on my inland rivers) but keep it on my ocean shoreline. It doesn't look so bad zoomed in, but when zoomed out the glow is overpowering and it looks like my rivers are yellow and not blue

    I googled this and found some advanced option for PS but it's not in PS elements, so solution would likely be something creative.

    The only thing I've tried so far is literally painting on a similar color (green) on a layer above the land over the yellow glow, but this looks a little messy, not to mention very time consuming.

    Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    Does a layer mask work for this?

  3. #3


    No, at least not on the layer in question. In fact, the layer mask is the thing causing the problem.

    I am creating the rivers by using a layer mask over the land to cut into the land so the river and sea are one. But when I use the layer mask to cut into the land to create the river, the layer style (i.e. the yellow glow) comes with it. I essentially need a layer mask for my layer mask, or more precisely, a layer mask for my layer styles

  4. #4
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    If I understand your problem correctly, the laziest solution would be to keep the layer style for the coastline, but paint rivers on a separate layer with its own layer style (start with a blank layer and add the rivers, whereas it sounds like you are now starting with a solid land layer and erasing rivers and oceans out of it). As long as the ocean fill and river fill are fairly similar, readers aren't likely to notice.

  5. #5


    So for some more context, my ocean is about 5 layers of different stuff cobbled together at different capacities and styles/textures. So whatever I paint on top as a new river layer is not going to look exactly the same. Will most people notice? Definitely not. But right now my only target audience is me and to me it sticks out.

    You made me think of something though...I may be able to copy my ocean to a separate file and then clone stamp the rivers on using that other file. I'll have to experiment.

    Edit: Hey I think this works! I created another file with just the ocean layers, merged all 5 layers together. Then clone stamped it and painted on the rivers in the other file and it looks exactly like I'm using a layer mask without the layer styles! Thanks Waldronate!
    Last edited by swiss; 10-12-2019 at 08:58 PM.

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