Sorry I missed these comments. :0
Quote Originally Posted by Eilathen View Post
Can only agree with everyone else...your talent just never fails to impress! This is so is the other city map, Archensheen. Very inspiring, J!

While you gave us the reason for them not being more "filled in", I'm still a bit sad about it. I think those cities would shine even more with a bit more "solidity" ... they're almost a bit too ethereal atm. Not sure if I am making sense ^^

Anyway, gorgeous maps, J.
Thanks Eilathen
It comes down to time and money. Plus large city maps are so time intensive for light and shadow.
I could do more work after that which the clients paid for, but then I'd rather spend my free time on my own work, which is already so backed up.
Quote Originally Posted by Sandman01086 View Post
Just want to echo what everyone else has said - amazing work on both maps mate!
Thanks Sandman
Quote Originally Posted by IICubeII View Post
Dude it's like a where's waldo of city buildings, it's seriously great. I can't even fathom how long that took.
Thanks Cube
Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
Damn, yo, I love the compass, I love the jutting into different dimensions... the roads are so clean... this map is what I WANTED when I was reading Perdido Street Station. I love China Mieville's writing, but that book's map sucks. This map is baller. Grand, inspiring, and clean and easy to follow, dem roads are outstandingly sharp.
Thanks Tiana I would hate to have to label all those streets
Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
So was this all done in Photoshop? This is just an amazing piece of work!! If it was done in PS, how big was the original map size in inches? I'm guessing you drew each of those buildings individually? That is just insane!! That is a lot of hours of work!

Thanks Del
A large part of it was done in Manga studio, or clip paint, as it it's called now. Then finished in PS.
It was 11 x 17, i think. And yes, insane me drew all individually.