Steps 8 to 13:

  • added a map title
  • changed the frame, compass rose and all the labels to metal
  • changed the label font
  • mountains are greyish now instead of brownish
  • changed the scale to 500 miles
  • moved around the major cities and villages, renamed/added some
  • ice isn't stretching that far into the aequatorial area anymore
  • redrew all the woods for a different distribution
  • changed woods in the colder regions to have a less warm colour
  • added more rivers
  • some water/land changes so that some regions are better accessible by ship
  • some color adjustments to the hex grid
  • some adjustments to the mountain and volcano areas, making them less bulky

Thought about making the make more like a realistic view from above by making the water shiny. Is that any good or nah?

Player 'work' version will be slightly different, also will remove some of the details from it later: