Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
This sounds great, J! Oh good, two months means I might be able to join in..gotta get other stuff done first.
Yep, time enough.
Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
Wow, this one sounds... terribly challenging ! o_o
I do have a dozen of ideas, but no time... no time...
You can squeeze in a fun little map, if nothing else.
This one is a lot more about the spirit of the Guild and having fun mapping.
Nudge nudge.
Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
Did I hear "worn parchment" ?
That you did
Quote Originally Posted by Tonquani View Post
Hmmm... Would I get away with creating a map of the Great Library itself?

Or is that a bit off topic?
I think that should be fine.
If you are going to use the layout of the one Robbie, our admin, created, then message him first.
You can also feel free to craft a differrnt building as well, since the city of Guild is massive and unfinished.
So a variety of libraries may well be hidden around. And who can say which is the true Great Library.

Hopefully I can do a little something to join in.
Like Beee, I am super busy with work, but this one really should not be missed.